Seven Chiefly Vices

Series 4
A series of teachings of virtue related to the seven chiefly vices (aka: seven deadly sins), what they are, and how to gain spiritual freedom from them.
Part 1: The Vice of Pride
Part 2: The Vice of Envy
Part 3: The Vice of Anger
Part 4: The Vice of Sloth
Part 5: The Vice of Greed
Part 6: The Vice of Gluttony
Part 7: The Vice of Lust
Part 8: In Death, Find Life
List of The 7 Deadly Sins:
- Sin of Pride
- The vice of pride is a disposition of putting the will of self before the will of God. The countering virtues include (but are not limited to): faith and humility.
- Sin of Envy
- The vice of envy is a disposition of sorrow toward another one's good (or joy at another's misfortune). The countering virtues include (but are not limited to): kindness, contentment, gratitude, and hope.
- Sin of Anger
- The vice of anger is a disposition of unjust wrath toward God, neighbor, or the good. The countering virtues include (but are not limited to): meekness, forbearance, forgiveness, and prayerfulness.
- Sin of Sloth
- The vice of sloth is a disposition of laziness toward the pursuit of God and the good. The countering virtues include (but are not limited to): discipline and diligence.
- Sin of Greed
- The vice of greed is a disposition of immoderate desire to possess worldly things over spiritual things. The countering virtues include (but are not limited to): generosity, detachment, and integrity.
- Sin of Gluttony
- The vice of gluttony is a disposition of immoderate or immoral consumption. The countering virtues include (but are not limited to): temperance, abstinence, and accountability.
- Sin of Lust
- The vice of lust is a disposition of immoderate or immoral sexual desire. The countering virtues include (but are not limited to): chastity, self-control, and foresight.
Seven Deadly Sins (Full Video)
Learn about the seven chiefly vices and the virtues that combat them all in one video!

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